
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:韩雪[1] HAN Xue (Heilongjiang College of Tourism, Harbin 150086, China)


出  处:《职业技术》2017年第8期35-36,共2页Vocational Technology

摘  要:职业院校在专业技能性强的主旨的引导下,开设专业既要培养实用技能型人才,也要根据市场需求来调研考察可行性发展。在中日旅游热的大环境下,日语论文题目,日语系发展有国际优势,能培养特色人才,也有相应的建设基础。通过国际化办学理念等几个方面,阐述开设旅游日语系的可行性及创新性。高职院校开设旅游日语系符合外语办学特色,能为中日旅游文化注入更多更好的新鲜血液。In the spirit of the guidance of strong professional skills, the vocational colleges should not only open the majors that cultivate the talents with practical skills, but also investigate the feasibility of market demand. Nowadays, the Sino-Japanese tourism being quite popular, the major of Tourism Japanese has its own professional development of international advantage. It can cultivate featured talents, and have a corresponding building foundation. Through a series of aspects, such as international education concept, elaborate the feasibility and innovation of setting up Tourism Japanese. Therefore, open the major of Tourism Japanese in vocational colleges is in line with the characteristics of school-running with foreign language, which can bring in more and better talents for Sino-Japanese Tourism.

关 键 词:旅游 日语 国际化 研修 

分 类 号:G712[文化科学—职业技术教育学;文化科学—教育学]
