
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:王荣[1] Wang Rong


出  处:《科教文汇》2017年第7期179-180,共2页

基  金:2017年度湖南省教育科学“十二五”规划省级一般项目:话语礼貌理论视角下跨文化日语教学模式探究(编号:XJK014CGDl03);中南林业科技学院青年科学探讨基金文科项目:话语礼貌理论视角下跨文化外语教学探讨--以日语教学为中心(编号:2017YB01).

摘  要:话语礼貌理论是对礼貌策略的补充和发展,使探讨的视角从单句扩展到话语和语篇,并且对日语教学有更强的指导意义。文章以话语礼貌理论为理论指导,通过深入细致的略论,日语论文题目,研讨了如何在日常教学中导入话语礼貌理论,从而促进日语教学,日语论文,提高学生日语交际能力。Utterance politeness theory is a complement and de- velopment of politeness strategies, extending the research per- spective from a single sentence to utterance and discourse, and it is of greater guiding significance to Japanese teaching. With ut- terance politeness theory as the theoretical guidance, through deep and detailed analysis, this paper explores how to introduce utterance politeness theory to routine teaching, in order to pro- mote Japanese teaching and improve students' Japanese commu- nication ability.

关 键 词:话语礼貌理论 礼貌策略 日语教学 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
