
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:马福山 陈亚军 Ma Fushan;Chen Yajun;Huhhot University for Nationalities;Inner Mongolia Medical University

机构地区:呼和浩特民族大学外国语言文学系 内蒙古医科学院外国语大学

出  处:日语学习与探讨》2017年第3期26-33,共8页

摘  要:谚语来源于民族的生活,是文化、民族意识的集中反映,是一种短小精悍的民间文学形式。谚语也是劳动人民长期生产实践活动的经验和智慧的结晶,是语言的精华。不论是日本民族的谚语,还是蒙古民族的谚语,都集中包含并反映着自己民族走过的生活历程。本文将日语谚语与蒙语谚语进行比较考察后发现其中有一些共性特征。并以文化人类学的视野考察略论日、蒙谚语的共性特征,为日、蒙两个民族在不同文化平台之间相互理解、交流提供参考。A proverb is a short and pithy folk literature form. It reflects life, custom, culture and ethnic awareness of nationality. At the same time, a proverb is a crystalization of production experience and wisdom of laboring people. Both Japanese proverbs and Mongolian proverbs reflect the development of their respective nation's life courses. The author finds that there are some common characteristics when comparing Japanese proverbs and Mongolian proverbs. This paper studies the common characteristics of Japanese proverbs and Mongolian proverbs from the perspective of cultural anthropology. The purpose is to provide a reference for better understanding and communication between Japanese culture and Mongolian culture.

关 键 词:

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语] H212[语言文字—少数民族语言]
