
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:张英俊[1] 韩艳[1] 叶菱[1] Zhang Yingjun,Han Yan, Ye Ling (Jiaxing Nanyang Institute of Polytechnology, Jiaxing314003,Zhejiang,China)


出  处:《安顺大学学报》2017年第2期85-87,共3页Journal of Anshun College

基  金:浙江省高等教育学会2017年度高等教育探讨课题“基于认知建构教学理论的日语十音快速记忆教学实证探讨”(项目编号:KT2017129)

摘  要:文章应用认知建构理论,让学生在多方联想理解记忆的乐趣中,在第一时间快速、准确而轻松地记住五十音图的听、说、读、写,为学好日语迅速打下坚实的基础,尝试为高职日语五十音图教学提供新措施、新模式。This paper applies Cognitive construction teaching theory to the reform of teaching methods appropriate for the characteristics of vocational students.With the fun of multi-associative memories,student are able to have a good command of Japanese syllables at the first time with accuracy and relaxation,Which will lay a solid foundation for their Japanese further study,meanwhile it also provides a new method and model of Japanese syllable teaching for Chinese Vocational College.

关 键 词:认知建构 五十音图 快速记忆 

分 类 号:H369[语言文字—日语]
