
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:何桂花[1] HE Guihua (The School of Foreign Languages, Hohhot University for Nationalities, Hohhot , Inner Mongolia, China 010051)


出  处:《内蒙古师范学院学报:哲学社会科学版》2017年第5期86-88,共3页Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University (Philosophy & Social Science)

摘  要:暧昧性是日语的重要特征之一。日语说服功能语与汉语中的有所不同,其主要不同之处就是日语所具有的暧昧性。在日语教学中为了提高学习者的日语水平,不仅要重视学习者对日语语法、词汇的掌握,而且要使他们需要理解日语中顾及对方的文化特征。笔者对中日说服功能语言作比较之后,观察到两种语言从提出主题,到说服对方的全部过程都有各自的特点,并且能看得出日语会话中所体现的重要特征之一暧昧性。本文通过对汉语和日语中说服功能语作比较,总结两者的应用特征,以期提高日语和汉语学习者对功能语的学习效果及实际运用能力。Ambiguity is one important feature of Japanese. The persuasive function language in Japanese is different from that in Chinese. The main difference lies in the ambiguity of Japanese. In order to improve the learners Japanese level, we should pay attention to the grammar and vocabulary as well as make them notice the cultural feature in Japanese, which is the consideration for others. Through a comparison between the persuasive function languages in Chinese and Japanese, this paper discovers that the two languages have respective features in the whole process of persuasion from raising the topic to the completion of persuasion. In addition, we can see the important feature of being ambiguous in Japanese conversation. This paper makes a comparison between the persua- sive language in Chinese and Japanese so as to improve the learning effect and practical ability in learning the functional languages in Japanese and Chinese.

关 键 词:汉语 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
