作 者:张钘铭[1] 徐光兴[2] 青柳肇 ZHANG Xing-ming,XU Guang-xing,AOYAGI Hajime(1. School of Management, Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Fuzhou 350122, Fujian, China; 2. School of Psychology and Cognitive Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai 201762, China; 3. School of Human Sciences, Waseda University, Tokyo 359-1192, Japan) 机构地区:[1]福建中医药学院管理大学,福建福州350122 [2]华东师范学院心理与认知科学大学,上海201762 [3]早稻田学院人间科学学术院,日本东京359-1192 出 处:《安徽工业学院学报:社会科学版》2017年第4期67-69,共3页 基 金:国家留学基金管理委员会资助项目(留金出[2017]3012) 摘 要:采用外语焦虑量表和交流意愿缺失量表进行调查表明,大三学生的日语焦虑水平明显高于大二学生;接近-回避型和回报型的交流意愿缺失是日语焦虑的重要预测变量。就第二外语学习而言,日语焦虑辅导的需求时段和切入时机是大一和大三,其中大三是日语焦虑辅导的重点时期,大三学生是重点辅导人群,调节交流意愿缺失程度是干预日语焦虑水平的重要途径,男生的调节任务重于女生。The investigation with foreign language classroom anxiety scale and unwillingness to communicate scale shows that:For Chinese undergraduates,the juniors' Japanese anxiety level is significantly higher than sophomores' level.Approach-avoidance and reward of unwillingness to communicate is an important predicator for Japanese anxiety.On second foreign language learning perspective,psychological counseling for Japanese anxiety is needed at the freshman and junior year,which should focus on the junior year and juniors;adjusting the degree of unwillingness to communicate is an important way of intervention for the level of Japanese anxiety;male's adjusting task is heavier than female's. 关 键 词:日语 学习焦虑 交流意愿缺失 分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语] ,日语论文题目,日语毕业论文 |