
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:林忠鹏[1] Lin Zhong-peng ( Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130024, China)


出  处:《外语学刊》2017年第4期147-151,共5页Foreign Language Research

摘  要:古代,中国文化对日本的作用主要通过人员的往来及文献的传播来实现。魏晋南北朝及隋唐时期,中国文献在日本的传播和发展无论是在数量还是在质量上都是空前的。日本的知识阶层通过对汉语的理解吸收不断地完善和丰富日语的内涵,其中把汉语词翻译成日语的过程经过一个漫长而又艰辛的历史过程,这个过程的详细内容保留在历代的传抄版本文献中。文献中引用大量当前已经失传的反应古代日语的文献资料。本文旨在通过对失传文献的考究,揭示古代日语接收汉语作用的侧面,同时略论古代日本把汉语转换(翻译)成日语过程的特性。In ancient time, the influence of Chinese culture on Japan was exerted mainly through people' s moving and circulation of lit- erature. In the Periods of Wei, Jin and South and North and the Dynasties of Sui and Tang, the spread of Chinese literature in Japan reached an unprecedented situation in both quantity and quality. Through understanding and absorbing Chinese, Japanese intellectuals enriched and developed the structure of Japanese language. It took a long and arduous historical process for them to translate Chinese words into Japanese, which was recorded in the circulated handwritten dictionaries in the past dynasties. This paper aims to reveal the influence of Chinese on ancient Japanese and analyze the characteristics of the process in which Chinese was transformed and translated into ancient Japanese by observing and studying the lost literature.

关 键 词:

分 类 号:H039[语言文字—语言学]
