作 者:周晓飞[1] 苗雪梅[1] ZHOU Xiaofei MIAO Xuemei (Shandong College of Tourism and Hospitality, Jinan 250200, China) 出 处:《旅游世界:旅游发展探讨》2017年第1期56-59,80共5页yago 基 金:本探讨受到金目餐饮职业教青教学指导委员会课题(编号:CYHZWYB035)支持. 摘 要:本文以山东旅游职业大学的赴日研修项目为中心,日语毕业论文,日语论文,对高职院校拓展海外实习项目的实施要点和价值进行案例略论,实施要点包括实行5+1模式教学改革、高强度面试、日方设置学习机构、强制参加考级、每年两批分赴制度、减少费用和适当奖励。项目价值主要有提高学生职业素质和日语水平;促进师资队伍建设;树立大学办学特色,提升知名度。同时对海外实习项目尚存在的不足进行了建议。经过略论论述证明了拓展海外实习项目的可行性,并且将成为高职院校的发展趋势。Based on the internship project of Study and Training in Japan of Shandong College of Tourism and Hospitality, this study made a conclusion after the analysis of the procedures and importance of the project. The procedures were as following: 3+1 teaching model including knowledge and practice, strict interview, institution set in Japan. Japanese language level test, twice a year internship distribution, less expense and more rewards. The importance of the project includes: improvement of Japanese language and professional quality, promotion of the faculty construction, formation of college features and reputation. Meanwhile, the author offered suggestions on the shortcomings of the project. After analysis, the study proved the feasibility of overseas internship in Japan and pointed out that such kind of project would become the trend of vocational college development. 关 键 词: 分 类 号:G642[文化科学—高等教育学;文化科学—教育学] |