
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:魏艳[1] Wei Yan

机构地区:[1]江西师范学院外语大学 江西南昌 330022

出  处:《佳木斯教育大学学报》2017年第12期共2页Journal of Jiamusi Education Institute

基  金:2017年校级教改课题“补缺假说在专业日语教学中的实证及运用探讨”阶段性成果。

摘  要:补缺假说认为目的语语境知识的缺失会导致母语语境知识发挥补缺影响,进而激活大脑中相应的母语表达式,这一观点为外语学习提供了新视角。对补缺假说的论证仅限于英语是不够的,是否适用于日语学习。中国的日语学习者在习得过程中,日语毕业论文日语毕业论文,是否也会发生母语补缺以及对日语学习和教学的启示是怎样的。The compensation hypothesis consider that lack of objective language environmental knowledge leads to native language environment knowledge play a compensation effect, then activates corresponding native expressions to the brain, which provides a new view for foreign language learning. On the compensation hypothesis, it’s insufficient when we only verify it in the area of English application. Is it applicable for Japanese learning. When Chinese Japanese learners are in the learning process, will compensation of the native language occur? and how is the revelation on compensation of native language to Japanese learning and teaching?

关 键 词:补缺假说 日语学习 启示 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
