
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:秦礼君[1] QIN Li-jun


出  处:《外国语文》2017年第2期79-83,共5页Journal of Sichuan International Studies University

基  金:2017年中央高校基本科研业务费项目“中外语言比较探讨”(KYT201706)的阶段性成果

摘  要:包孕句,在汉语和日语最初都是作为一种复句来加以探讨的。后来,汉语探讨中取消了"包孕句",将其归入单句;日语现在大多仍将其作为复句的下位类别来看待。日语包孕句的探讨近况大致相当于汉语包孕句探讨过程中的"讨论"阶段。其探讨忽略了结构形式的不同层面,应将彼此不作句子成分作为复句确立的重要标准。日语包孕句也应归入单句。Embedded sentences were firstly studied as complex sentences in both Chinese and Japanese. Later, this type of sentences was categorized as simple sentences in Chinese studies but they are now mostly seen as a sub-category of complex sentences in Japanese studies. The current research condition on Japanese embedded sentences is similar to the stage of "discussion" in the process of Chinese embedded sentences research. However, that research neglects the various levels of structural forms and standard should be set up that a complex sentence is the one that different parts in sentences don' t function as sentence parts mutually, therefore Japanese embedded sentences should fall into the category of Simple sentence.

关 键 词:

分 类 号:H313[语言文字—英语]
