
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:黄婷婷[1] HUANG Ting-ting (Foreign Languages Department, Fujian International Business and Economic College, Fuzhou, 350001, China)


出  处:《闽西职业技术大学学报》2017年第3期85-91,共7页Journal of Minxi Vocational and Technival College

摘  要:日语中的拟声拟态词,日语论文,由于其词汇量大,统计繁琐,以往关于此类词语的探讨,主要侧重于从意思、结构、词性等几个方面进行。但是其实日语拟声拟态词不仅在结构、词性等方面具有显著的规律.并且在其看似纷繁复杂的发音上也是有一定规律可循的。从横光利一的最后一部新感觉主义小说上海》中出现的拟声拟态词的元音和辅音两方面着手,应用数据略论和比较的探讨措施对小说中的拟声拟态词进行考察,日语毕业论文,初步研讨日语拟声拟态词的内在发音特点和规律。In Japanese, the onomatopoeic words have long been a difficulty to Japanese learners, Because researched mainly of the large vocabulary and complicated statistic, focusing on the meaning, structure, and part onomatopoeic words have significant rules, not only in the structure in the past, such words were of speech etc. But Japanese and parts of speech, but also in its seemingly complex pronunciation. Focusing on the onomatopoeic words of vowels and consonants from Riichi Yokomitsu's novel Shanghai, using data analysis and comparison method,the onomatopoeic words are researched, attempting to find out the inherent pronunciation features and rules of Japanese onomatopoeia.

关 键 词:上海》 日语 拟声拟态词 元音 辅音 

分 类 号:H364.2[语言文字—日语]
