作 者:王永东[1] WANG Yong-dong (School of Foreign Studies, Anhui University, Hefei 230601, China) 机构地区:[1]安徽学院外国语大学,安徽合肥230601 出 处:《淮海工大学学报:人文社会科学版》2017年第14期68-70,共3页Journal of Huaihai Institute of Technology 基 金:安徽学院青年科学探讨基金项目(SKQN003) 摘 要:中日两国是一衣带水的邻邦,两国有着悠久的交流史,而语言必然是交流的工具和先行。任何文化交流包括文字交流必然是双向的,作为日语,日语毕业论文,其在中国的传播,以及中国人对日语的理解与接受是一个较为复杂的过程,其先后经历了原始「錄音(ろくぉん)」阶段、「寄語(きこ)」阶段(即翻译阶段)、「仮名(カナ)」的「伝来(でんらい)」阶段。China and Japan are neighboring countries that share longstanding history. As for communication, lan- guage must be its tool and precursor. Any culture communication which includes language communication must be bilateral. The spreading of Japanese in China and Chinese people's understanding and acknowledgement of Japa- nese turned to be complicated process which experienced three phases: primitive phase, translation phase, and the introduction phase. 分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语] ,日语毕业论文 |