作 者:王伟[1] WANG Wei (Department of International Trade,Anhui Business Vocational College,Hefei Anhui 231131,China) 机构地区:[1]安徽工商职业大学国际贸易系,安徽合肥231131 出 处:《吉林工程技术师范大学学报》2017年第7期67-69,共3页 摘 要:商务日语口语教学应着眼于培养学生在商务场景下自我思考并恰当交流的能力。应建立任务导向型角色扮演教学体系,做好学习者评价工作,不断改善任务导向型角色扮演教学体系。根据学习者日语语言能力情况,对语言基础一般的学生侧重日语语言能力的提升,对语言基础良好的学生侧重发现问题、解决问题的能力及异文化下调整适应能力的培养。Business Japanese spoken language teaching should focus on training students' ability of self-thinking and appropriate communication in business scenarios.It should establish task-oriented COSPLAY teaching system,do the work of learners evaluation well,and continuously improve the task-oriented COSPLAY teaching system.According to learners' Japanese language ability,for students with general language foundation,the improvement of Japanese language ability should be placed emphasis on;for students with good language foundation,the emphasis should be put on the ability to discover problems and solve the problems,and cultivation of adjustment capacity in different cultures. 关 键 词:商务日语 任务导向 角色扮演 评价收集 分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语] ,日语论文题目,日语毕业论文 |