作 者:唐向红[1] Tang Xianghong Dongbei University of Finance and Economics 机构地区:[1]东北财经学院 出 处:《日语学习与探讨》2017年第3期 63-68,共6页 摘 要:语言是人类社会交流中不可或缺的工具之一。人与人在交流的时候,信息成为模因,日语毕业论文,在心与心之间传导、传播。模因(meme)是形成文化的各种资讯,是通过复制产生的在人与人之间传播的信息。生命力和适应性强的模因生存下来,经过自我复制和变异,持续繁殖下去。模因论的出现,给流行语传播的探讨带来了新的视角。至今为止,国内学者大都从语言学和社会学的角度出发,围绕流行语的特征、构词法和流行语的变化及功能等问题展开探讨,本文在阐述模因的概念、影响机制、特征等的基础上,日语论文,试图从模因论的视角来略论当今日本社会中流行语的传播方式。Language plays a very important role in human communication. In the course of interpersonal communication, information is considered to be the meme. And the meme is the base for the spreading of information from person to person within a culture. Memes with strong vitality and adaptability can survive through self-duplication and variation. Memetics offers us a new approach for the study of popular expressions and their transmission. Up to now, most scholars have focused on the features, word formation, functions and changes of popular expressions from the perspectives of linguistics and sociology. This paper tries to elaborate on the mode of transmission of popular expressions in Japan on the basis of the concept, functions, mechanism and features of memes. 关 键 词:模因 分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语] |