
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:刘君梅[1] LIU Jun - mei ( Department of Border -control and Immigration, The Armed Police Academy, Langfang, Hebei Province 065000, China)


出  处:《武警大学学报》2017年第5期59-61,共3页Journal of the Chinese People‘s Armed Police Force Academy

摘  要:探讨性学习法是对传统的接受式学习的一种改革,是指学生在教师指导下,选择不同的探讨课题,独立自主地开展探讨的学习方式。学院日语教师如何提高教学水平,日语论文题目,提高学生的学习效果,已经成为备受关注的课题。A research learning method is a kind of reform of the traditional method, which means that with the guidance from the teacher, the students could choose different subjects, and do researches independently by themselves. How to improve the teaching quality. The questions of how to improve the students learning effect need to be focused on more and more in recent years. In this paper, based on the research learning, with the long -term teaching experiences, the author puts forward a lot of relative opinions and discusses its meaning and effects, so as to contribute something to Japanese teaching in China.

关 键 词:探讨性学习法 日语教学 影响 

分 类 号:G623.36[文化科学—教育学]
