
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:原林书[1] YUAN Lin-shu ( School of Foreign Studies, Weinan Normal University, Weinan 714000, China)


出  处:《渭南师范大学学报:综合版》2017年第8期110-112,共3页Journal of Weinan Teachers College

摘  要:日语中的句末表达方式--尤其是终助词「ね」和「よ」的用法,对中国学生具体应用时出错较高,过去的日语语法教学中一直没有一个有效的教学措施解决这一问题。日本学者神尾昭雄于20世纪90年代提出的信息的势力范围理论从宏观上解释了这类语法现象。文章就该理论运用于日语教学的可能性进行了略论,有利于今后的日语学习和教学,值得在教学中推广。The mode of phrase of the end of sentence in Japanese, especially the auxiliary such as ne (?) and yo ( ?) is of-ten used mistakenly. But in the past, there was no efficient teaching method in Japanese grammar teaching to solve this problem. Kamio Akio, the Japanese scholar, put forward the theory of territory of information in the 1990s, to explain such grammatical phenomenon macroscopically. The paper analyzes the efficiency of the theory' s application, to provide the aid to the Japanese learning and Japanese teaching, and it' s worth generalizing in teaching.

关 键 词:句末表达 信息的势力范围理论 日语教学 「ね」和「よ」 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
