作 者:祁福鼎[1] 王猛[1] 机构地区:[1]大连外国语大学 出 处:《日语学习与探讨》2017年第5期30-36,共7页 基 金:2017年辽宁省社会科学规划基金项目“历时语言学和社会语言学视野中的自称词探讨”(L10DYY009)的探讨成果之一 摘 要:在日语中说话人经常根据听话人的不同而选择不同的自称词。其原因主要取决于说话人自身的身份、性别、年龄、说话的场面以及与听话人的联系等方面。然而,关于同一听话人采用不同的自称词这一现象,迄今为止的探讨中则很少涉及。本文以日本近代文艺著作为调查资料,对著作中的自称词进行全数调查。将自称词的切换现象分为自称词的选择(不同听话人)和自称词的交替(同一听话人),并从人际联系、说话场面、话题的内容、自称词的性质等方面揭示了自称词切换的原因。Japanese speakers choose different autonyms when they are facing different listeners. Some factors are taken into account, such as the social status of the speaker, the age and gender of the speaker, the specific context of the conversation and the relationship between the speaker and the listener, etc. However, previous studies have rarely touched on the fact that different autonyms can be adopted by the speaker even when he/she is talking to the same listener. This paper makes a thorough examination of the autonyms in modem literary works. In this paper, the shifts of autonyms are divided into the choices of autonyms (for different listeners) and the shifts of the autonyms (for the same listener). This paper also reveals the cause of the shifts of autonyms from following aspects: the context of the conversation, the content of the conversation, the relations between the speakers, and the qualities of the autonyms. It is the first endeavor in this field and the research methodology and conclusions can be adopted in not only autonyms research but also in anti-addressing words research. Meanwhile, this paper is also an asset in the teaching of Japanese autonyms. 关 键 词:近代语 自称词 切换 分 类 号:H364.2[语言文字—日语] ,日语毕业论文,日语毕业论文 |