
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:白洁[1] BAI Jie ( School of Foreign Languages, Kaifeng University, Kaifeng 475004, Herman )


出  处:《开封学院学报》2017年第4期 78-79,共2页Journal of Kaifeng University

摘  要:我国经济的不断发展以及国际化步伐的加快,日语论文,对高职运用日语系人才的培养提出了更高的要求。为此,日语论文,我们要及时调整不适应市场需求的课程体系,深化教学改革,以“平台+岗位”人才培养模式,培养适应行业一线需要的高素质技能性专门人才。With the development of our economy and globalization, there is a higher demand for talents who major in applied Japanese. We should deepen teaching reform and adjust the curriculum courses which cannot meet the market demand. With the "platform plus post" training mode, we should cultivate students in areas such as morals, intelligence, physical fitness and aesthetics so that they would be able to adapt to the need of front line job requirements.

关 键 词:高职 运用日语系 综合运用能力 校企合作 课程改革 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
