
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:张威[1] 王怡[2] 

机构地区:[1]中国人民学院外国语大学 [2]北京第二外国语大学日语大学

出  处:日语学习与探讨》2017年第6期 1-15,共15页

基  金:2017年度国家社会科学基金项目(课题名称:日语复合动词教学方略探讨;批准号:09BYY079;课题负责人:张威)成果的一部分

摘  要:本文依据对中日两国不同类型的日语教材实施对于复合动词使用状况抽样调查的统计数据,结合使用BCCwT语料数据库对复合动词调查的检索结果,对日语复合动词的使用分布和词条数量做了多方位考证,并在对日语复合动词使用状况的全貌做出基本判断的基础上,根据使用频率划定了复合动词基础词汇的大致范围。另一方面,通过对中日两国不同类型日语教材导入复合动词时的词汇量、导入形式以及使用分布状况的比较,将日语教学复合动词学习项目的主要问题归纳为以下四点:1)教学目标的盲目性;2)学习词;12定位的不准确性;3)教学指导措施的不科学性;4)教材选用CV的随意性。同时指出:问题的症结应该归结为“缺乏对第二语言习得日语教学特性的正确认识与足够重视,基本上沿承了日本国语教学中“自然习得”的传统观念和措施。最后,日语毕业论文日语论文,本文对日语教学中复合动词学习词汇的范围设定和词条提取措施的初步构想做了概括性阐述。This paper describes a comprehensive research project conducted on the vocabulary distribution and the amount of entries of Japanese compound verbs. It is based on statistical data from a sample survey on the utilization of compound verbs in different types of Japanese textbooks in China and Japan. The paper also takes into account theresult of a search for Japanese compound verbs through the BCCWJ corpus. The scope of basic compound verbs was set roughly according to frequency of utilization, with a determination of the overall picture of Japanese compound verb utilization. On the other hand, by comparing the vocabulary, teaching method and vocabulary distribution of different types of textbooks in Japan and China when introducing compound verbs, the main problems in the teaching of Japanese compound verbs can be summarized as follows: 1) having no infinite goals in teaching; 2) inaccuracy in word positioning; 3) unreasonable teaching method; 4) arbitrariness of textbook composition. The author also points out that the problem should be attributed to the lack of consideration and attention to the characteristics of second language acquisition, which, in fact, follow the "natural acquisition method" of mother language. In the end, the author elaborates a scheme concerning the scope, setting, and entry extraction approach of compound verbs in Japanese language teaching.

关 键 词:基础词汇 学习词汇 抽样调查 使用频率 

分 类 号:G634.461[文化科学—教育学]
