
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:李晓英 张波 刘宇楠 LI Xiao-ying,ZHANG Bo,LIU Yu-nan(Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin 150040, China)


出  处:《哈尔滨大学学报》2017年第6期130-132,共3页Journal of Harbin University

基  金:2017年度黑龙江省哲学社会科学探讨规划项目,项目编号:13C025.

摘  要:指示代词是常见的语言语句成分,是使用频率较高的一类语言词汇。随着外语学习程度加深,语句表达措施手段逐渐复杂,指示代词回指异同的表现方式也越来越深奥难解。因此,在中高级阶段的口译教学中要进一步学习指示代词回指异同的知识,利用任务驱动教学法等使学生真正理解日汉指示代词的回指异同,在口译实践中翻译出最正确的含义。Demonstrative pronouns are common syntactic components and frequently used words. With the development of language level,expressive ways are more complicated where the anaphoric usages of demonstrative pronouns are more difficult to understand. In the process of training the advanced level of interpreters,those differences are needed to highlight. It is suggested to use the task-based method to help students to understand the difference and get the correct meaning in interpretation practice.

关 键 词:日语口译 指示代词 回指异同 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
