
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:许薛 戈玲玲 Xu Xue Ge Ling-ling ( University of South China, Hengyang 421001, China)


出  处:《外语学刊》2017年第2期88-93,共6页Foreign Language Research

基  金:国家社科基金项目“基于汉英双语平行历时语料库的汉语言语幽默及其英译探讨”(13BYY027)和湖南省社科基金项目“基于语料库的中华典籍英译中本源念翻译模式探讨”(2017SSW03)的阶段性成果,得到南华学院重点社科基地“语料库翻译学探讨中心”和南华学院重点学科“外国语言文学”的资助,特此致谢!

摘  要:本文从言语幽默及其延伸理论的视角,采用汉英日3语平行语料库的探讨措施,以系统略论鲁迅中篇小说《阿Q正传》原著及其英日译本为重点,旨在研讨基于该理论下汉语言语幽默文本的特征及其翻译策略。探讨结果表明,修辞手段是构成汉语言语幽默的重要因素;在转换含有修辞手段的汉语言语幽默时,英日译本分别采用3种翻译模式,即同类转换,异类转换和零类转换;结合对比两译本,共存在6种不同组合的翻译转换模式,英日译本均为同类转换;总体看来,日译本中同类转换的比例高出英译本,一定程度上更好地保留幽默。究其原因,可归纳为汉日同形汉字的活用、日语拟声拟态词的应用和中日文化相近性的体现这3方面的要因。Based on the theoretical framework — the General Theory of Verbal Humor and its Extended Theory,this paper aims to investigate the features of Chinese humorous texts and their translation,with a focus on a systematic analysis of A Q Zhengzhuan,the English version The True Story of Ah Q and the Japanese version 「阿 Q 正伝」. This paper uses the Chinese,English and Japanese trilingual parallel corpus as the research approach,and mainly illustrates the humorous examples with rhetorical devices and calculates the translation methods of verbal humor in A Q Zhengzhuan and its English and Japanese versions. And the results show that the humorous text with rhetorical devices is one of the distinctive features in the corpus; and three transformation models are used in transferring humor into English and Japanese,namely: homo-transformation,hetero-transformation and zero transformation. In all,the Japanese version adopts more homo-transformation than the English version and preserves the humorous effects better. Moreover,the reasons why the Japanese target text preserves more humorous texts than the English target text can be summarized as the following: the existence of the same words and phrases in Chinese and Japanese,the good application of onomatopoeia in Japanese and the cultural similarities between China and Japan as well.

关 键 词:言语幽默概论 幽默文本翻译 《阿Q正传》 

分 类 号:H059[语言文字—语言学]
