作 者:李无未 LI Wu-wei (Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, Fujian) 机构地区:厦门学院中文系,福建厦门361005 出 处:《厦门学院学报:哲学社会科学版》2017年第3期83-92,共10页Journal of Xiamen University(A Quarterly for Studies in Arts & Social Sciences) 基 金:国家社科基金重大项目“东亚珍藏汉语文献挖掘与探讨”(12&ZD178) 摘 要:19世纪末20世纪初,东亚中国、韩国、日本三国出现了一些具有代表性的"文典"式语法作品。"文典"式语法作品贯穿着一个基本语法理论内核,那就是"品词"体系。在探讨具体的语言对象时,东亚三国学者使用"品词"上各有所侧重,按"品词"分类情况不完全一致。站在东亚语史角度,可以看到,东亚三国"文典"式"品词"语法理论体系存在一种非常值得注意的"环流"现象,即由模仿英国"英语文典"等西方"品词"语法理论体系而创造了日语"文典"式"品词"作品理论体系,风行于日本之后,又进入到了东亚中国语、韩国语探讨中来。因为特殊的时代联系,日本学者又有机会极力推广"文典"式"品词"作品语法理论体系,对中国和韩国语法探讨产生了巨大的作用。中日两国语法律者对"文典"式"品词"语法理论体系局限的反思,是各自国语语法理论体系变革的需要,具有摆脱《英文典》式"品词"语法理论体系束缚,进而建立"东方语法模式"的"东方民族语法探讨自觉意识"。During the late 19 thand early 20 thcenturies,there appeared a number of representative grammar books named"Wendian"( classical grammar) in East Asian countries,including China,Korea and Japan. As the core of their basic grammatical theories,the concept of "Hinsi"( words classification) permeated these books. Linguists classified words differently while dealing with specific languages,hence different Hinsi systems emerged. From the perspective of the history of East Asian linguistics,we could see a circulation of them: the earliest Hinsi systems,practically a copy of Western words classification theory,were built by Japanese linguists. These systems were prevalent in Japan and spread to China and Korea as well. As a result of the peculiar historical background,Japanese linguists had the opportunity to promote their theory,which strongly influenced Chinese and Korean grammar studies. Reflections on the Hinsi theory in Chinese and Japanese linguistics point to the need to develop an independent grammatical theory. It reveals the consciousness of eliminating the constraints of Western grammar patterns and building an Eastern grammar system. 关 键 词:东亚 文典 品词 环流模式 分 类 号:H04[语言文字—语言学] ,日语毕业论文,日语毕业论文 |