作 者:聂友军 Nie Youjun 机构地区:浙江工商学院东亚探讨院,杭州310018 出 处:《日本探讨》2017年第1期48-58,共11页Japan Studies 基 金:国家社科基金后期资助项目“日本学探讨的‘异域之眼’”(15FWW003)的阶段性成果 摘 要:"日本学"是指日本开国以后欧美学者以翻译与研读日语经典文献为中心,对日本国家、社会与文化自觉开展的体系化、学科化探讨。日本亚洲学会是英语世界最早完全专注于日本探讨的学术团体,并且持续至今。它提供了一个机会,使日本以外的人们得以了解日本;它搭建了一个平台,日本探讨者可以借之交流探讨成果、展开学术讨论。日本亚洲学会在促进日本探讨走向规范化和制度化方面居功甚伟,也有助于个体行为的自发探讨职业化的近代学术探讨转变,并以其独特的立场与志趣深深地介入并作用了相当一部分日本探讨者的心态与治学措施,也作用了后世日本探讨的广度与深度。As a discipline, "Japanology" refers to systematic and institutionalized studies of Japan, including Japanese history, culture and society, conducted by Western scholars since Japan's opening up to the outside world at the closing days of the Tokugawa Shogunate(1854). The Asiatic Society of Japan was the first to wholly focus on Japanese studies, and it lasts much longer than any other similar organization. The Society makes it possible for people abroad to understand Japan better. It provides a platform as well, through which scholars interested in Japanese studies might discuss and communicate with each other. The founding of the Asiatic Society of Japan(1872) and the publication of TASJ made it possible for the observation and description of Japan to develop into organized and systematic research. Its unique standpoint and inclination influenced many people devoting to academic research on Japan at that time,and promoted Japanese studies of later ages. 关 键 词:会员 学术交流 分 类 号:I313[文学—其他各国文学] K313.4[历史地理—历史学;历史地理—世界史] ,日语毕业论文,日语论文 |