
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:颜丽蕊 YAN Lirui (Japanese Department, Anhui Xinhua University, Hefei 230088, China)


出  处:《长春学院学报》2017年第11期69-73,共5页Journal of Changchun University

基  金:安徽新华大学校级“质量工程”项目(2017xqjdx03)

摘  要:日本当代著名"女性"小说家津岛佑子的《微笑的狼》,描写主人公雪子和一名少年的奇特旅行,他们两人在近乎流浪的旅行中追忆亲情、彼此疗伤。在创伤叙事中,作者应用后现/作手法,展现出标新立异的写作风格和对理想社会的追寻。小说反讽现实,批判了日本战后灰暗的社会现实,展现社会和时代的悲惨记忆。Laughing Wolf,written by Yūko Tsushima,a famous Japanese contemporary female novelist,narrates a fantastic journey of the protagonist Yukiko and a teenager,in which they recall family affections and heal each other psychologically while nearly exiling. In traumatic narrative,the writer shows her unconventional writing style and the pursuit of ideal society by the postmodern techniques. Critiquing Japanese gloomy social reality after World War II,this novel shows the deplorable memory of society and age.

关 键 词:微笑的狼》 叙事特色 疗伤 追寻 

分 类 号:I313.074[文学—其他各国文学]
