
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:李娇 LI Jiao (School of Foreign Languages, Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Suzhou 215011, China)


出  处:《南京工程大学学报:社会科学版》2017年第1期26-29,共4页Journal of Nanjing Institute of Technology:Social Science Edition

基  金:2017年度教育部人文社会科学探讨一般项目(15YJA752017)

摘  要:《虞美人草》作为日本文坛首屈一指的文豪夏目漱石职业作家生涯的处女作,自问世起的一个多世纪以来,以其独特的文学艺术特色,成为饱受争议却永不褪色的文学巨著。从小说的时间结构、空间结构和情节结构三个方面,略论《虞美人草》在小说结构上的戏剧化特点,可以体会夏目漱石独具匠心的艺术创作和小说"戏剧性"的艺术魅力。Poppies, a debut work of Natsume Soseki, who is a leading writer in Japanese literary world, has become a controversial literary masterpiece with its unique literary and artistic characteristics for more than a century since it came out and will never fade away.The dramatization characteristics of Poppies' structure are analyzed from three angles, i. e., time structure, space structure and plot structure. This offers opportunities to appreciate Natsume Soseki' s unique artistic creation and drama charm of novels.

关 键 词:夏目漱石 《虞美人草》 小说结构 戏剧化 

分 类 号:I313[文学—其他各国文学]
