
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:任敬军[1] 任健[2] Ren Jingjun1, Ren Jian2(1 College of Foreign Language, Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University, Lin’an 311300, Zhejiang, China ;2 Beijing Second Foreign Language University, Beijing 100024, China)

机构地区:[1]浙江农林学院外国语大学,浙江临安311300 [2]北京第二外国语大学日语大学,北京100024

出  处:《世界竹藤通讯》2017年第6期42-46,共5页World Bamboo and Rattan

基  金:浙江省哲学社会科学重点探讨基金(浙江工商学院东亚探讨院)(编号:15ZDDYZS02YB)

摘  要:日本和歌总集《万叶集》收录了包括"竹"、"笹"、"篠"、"薦"意象在内的咏竹歌37首和竹意象185处。《万叶集》咏竹歌融竹的自然美、文化美、意象美于一体,文化内涵深刻,文学特征鲜明,是日本竹文化悠久性和丰富性的反映。文章考证和略论了《万叶集》的咏竹歌中竹的种类、自然特征、象征意义及其文化内涵,以期为探讨日本竹文化提供支持。Japanese classic "Manyoshu" includes 37 bamboo songs consisting of "bamboo","sasa","xino" and "suzu" and illustrates 185 bamboo images.The fusion of the natural beauty,culture beauty and imaginative beauty in Manyoshu reflects the long-standing and rich bamboo culture,with profound cultural connotation and distinctive literary characteristics.The paper researched and analyzed the species,natural characteristics,symbolic meaning and culture connotation of bamboo in the bamboo songs contained in Manyoshu.It was expected to provide supports for the research on bamboo culture in Japan.

关 键 词:万叶集 咏竹歌 日本竹文化 

分 类 号:S432.41[农业科学—植物病理学;农业科学—农业昆虫与害虫防治;农业科学—植物保护]
