
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:陈晓隽[1] 吴光辉 Chen Xiaojun , Wu Guanghui

机构地区:[1]厦门学院外文大学日语语言文学系博士探讨生,福建厦门361005 [2]厦门学院外文大学日语语言文学系教授、厦门学院两岸协同创新中心成员,福建厦门361005

出  处:《学术月刊》2017年第3期21-29,共9页Academic Monthly

基  金:“现代日本‘中国形象’嬗变与回归的探讨”(20178088)、中国博士后基金“近代日本的中国形象探讨”(2017T60639)、福建省新世纪优秀人才课题(X170300101)的阶段性成果

摘  要:围绕日本学者西周将“Philosophy”译为“哲学”,高坂史朗站在思想史视角,推导出日本脱离中国儒学,日语论文,树立以西方学术为根本的思维模式与价值体系的问题,由此来论证近代日本的主体性与合理性之所在;藤田正胜站在哲学史视角,阐述西周翻译为“哲学”、中江兆民表述为“理学”,并将西田几多郎探究哲学的出发点与笛卡尔“怀疑一切”的现代性思想关系起来,论证西周创立“哲学”的最终目的可以归结为“接续西方”这一主题;而林美茂站在批判史立场,日语论文,指出西周关于“Philosophy”这一概念存在着本质性的误读,陷入到东西方文明冲突的“困境”之中。围绕“哲学”一语翻译探讨,中日学者基于不同的学术立场与问题意识来加以阐发,体现出各自不同的探讨“境位”,亦反映出这一术语之中所潜藏的话语权或者文明选择的重大问题。With regard to the study on the translating from "philosophy" into the Chinese technical term "哲学 " by Japanese scholar Nisiamane, many Japanese and Chinese scholars conducted in-depth researches from different aspects. Firstly, Japanese scholar Osak Siro, who researched it from the perspective of the history of thought, deduced that Japan separated from Chinese Confucianism and established the thinking pattern and value system based on Western science, thus proved the subjectivity and rationality of modern Japanese. Then, Fujita Masakatsu, who probed it from the point of history of philosophy, stated that Nisiamane translated Philosophy into " 哲学 ", while Nakae Chomin rendered it into "理学". ". He also argued that the ultimate aim of Nisiamane creating "哲学" is for the subject of the continuation of Western culture and civilization by combining the starting point of philosopher Nishida Kitaro's philosophy journey and the modern thought of Descartes's doubting everything. Thirdly, Chinese scholar Lin Meimao explored it from the point of the history of criticism. He pointed out that Nisiamane essentially misread the concept of Philosophy, therefore, he was lost in the dilemma of the conflict between eastern and western civilization. Concerning the study of the translation of"哲学", Chinese and Japanese scholars' different research based on their different academic standpoint and problem consciousness. The big issue of power of speech hidden in the terminology as well as the choice of civilization.

关 键 词:PHILOSOPHY 哲学 西周 翻译探讨 

分 类 号:B3[哲学宗教—外国哲学]
