
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:李红[1] 卢冬丽[1] 成玉峰[2] LI Hong, LU Dongli, CHENG Yufeng ( 1. College of Foreign Studies, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China; 2. College of Foreign Studies, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China)

机构地区:[1]南京农业学院外国语大学,江苏南京210095 [2]南京林业学院外国语大学,江苏南京210037

出  处:《外国教育探讨》2017年第7期84-93,共10页Studies in Foreign Education

基  金:江苏省教育科学十二五规划课题“中日高等教育政策转移路径及内生机制探讨”(项目批准号:C-c/2017/001);南京农业学院2017年校级精品资源共享课“高级日语”(项目编号:2017C85);南京林业学院2017年高等教育探讨课题重点课题“建设高水平特色学院视野下的日本高校外语专业产教融合的探讨与借鉴”.

摘  要:2017年以来,日本国立学院的教师能力开发事业成为文部省推进学院机构改革建设的一项重要内容。爱媛学院围绕如何提高教师教学能力、科研能力和整合能力的核心课题,日语论文题目,通过建立教师能力开发中心和教育规划办公室,日语毕业论文,从课程设计、学术策划、社会服务等多方面对教师进行能力开发与培训指导,取得了明显成效,并由此获得文部省的认可,成为日本国立学院中首批教师能力开发四大重点建设基地之一。The development of teachers" ability in national universities has been an im- portant part of the institutional reform promoted by Japan Ministry of Education since 2017. Ehime University has taken various measures that all revolve around how to improve teach- ers" ability of teaching, scientific research and integration. It has established teacher capaci- ty development centers and education planning offices, which involve many aspects such as curriculum design, academic planning, and social service and so on. The measures have been so effective that they have obtained recognition from the Ministry of Education. And Ehime University has become one of the first four key construction bases in teachers' competence development among Japanese national universities.

关 键 词:日本 爱媛学院 教师 能力开发 

分 类 号:G649.313[文化科学—高等教育学;文化科学—教育学]
