作 者:赵宏 Zhao Hong;Dalian University of Foreign Languages 机构地区:大连外国语学院日语大学 出 处:《日语学习与探讨》2017年第1期28-37,共10页 基 金:2017年度辽宁省社会科学规划基金项目“日语程度副词文体特征探讨”(项目编号:L11DYY027)的阶段性探讨成果 摘 要:本文作为历时语言学视野中的日语程度副词探讨的一环,从近代主要小说的会话部分中抽出"表示程度高的"一类程度副词,对它们在当时的使用特点和语法功能进行了考察。从使用特点上看,可以推定「ずいぶん」、「あ(ん)まり」是当时人们日常口语中最常用的程度副词。「たいへん」、「よほ(っぽ)ど」、「おほき(い)に」是当时人们日常口语中某一时期常用的程度副词。从语法功能上看,程度副词易与动词共现,「ずいぶん」与「あ(ん)まり」、「たいへん」与「なかなか」、「よほ(っぽ)ど」与「おほき(い)に」在被修饰语的共现度和内部构造上比较相似。程度副词易与形容词「いい」、「悪い」、「面白い」,形容动词「気の毒だ」,动词「ある」、「心配する」搭配。As a part of a research program on Japanese adverbs of degree based on diachronic linguistics, the paper reports on a study of the usage characteristics and grammatical functions of degree adverbs, meaning“high degree”, which were chosen from representative novels from modern times. According to the usage characteristics, we see that“zuibun”and“anmari”(both of which mean“extremely”) are the most frequently used adverbs of degree in daily oral Japanese, while“taihen”,“yohodo”and“ohokini”(which all mean“very”) are the most frequently used adverbs of degree during a certain period. Based on the grammatical function, adverbs of degree are generally used together with verbs. For example,“zuibun”and“anmari”,“taihen”and“nakanaka”and“yoho(ppo)do”and“ohoki(yi)ni”almost share the same usage together with the modified words and internal structure. For instance, adverbs of degree can be used together with adjectives“ii/warui/omoshiroi”, adjectival verbs“kinodokuda”, and the verbs“aru”and“shinpaisuru”. 关 键 词:语法功能 分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语] ,日语论文,日语论文 |