
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:李红[1] 游衣明[1] LI Hong,YOU Yiming ( School of Foreign Studies, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095 China)


出  处:《南京农业学院学报:社会科学版》2017年第6期120-126,共7页Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Science Edition)

基  金:江苏省社会科学基金一般项目“农业科技日源词汇汉译受容实证探讨”(12YYB005);教育部人文社会科学探讨青年基金项目“日语汉字训读与语源探讨”(14YJC740013);日本国际交流基金项目“日中こむラろ现代晨民碱桨教育こつらの比较探讨--国除科学文化の交流の视角加岛”;南京农业学院“高级日语校级精品资源共享课”建设项目;上海外语教育出版社全国高校外语教学科研项目“科技文化负载型外语人才的复合培养策略探讨”(JS-0006-A)

摘  要:自我调节功能是语言本身具有生命力的表现。以现代农科日语词汇汉译演进活动为中心,通过对其汉译概况及特点略论,日语毕业论文,阐明了具备提供大量基本词汇的能产性增殖能力、一定造词规范的强规则化表达能力、建立了纠错系统偏离的动态平衡自稳机制等语言自我调节表现形式,明确了词汇系统保持动态平衡的要因及机理,反映出了在现代开放社会环境下译活动与汉语系统共生演变的规律。Self-adjustment reflects the vitality of language. By studying the general situation and the features of the Chinese translation of modern agricultural terminologies from Japanese, this paper makes an exploration into the self-adjustment ability of language, namely, the productivity of coining essential terminologies, the expressiv- ity with severe word-creation norms and the dynamic equilibrium mechanism with error-correcting system. The paper also clarifies the main causes and mechanism for vocabulary system to maintain dynamic equilibrium and concludes the rules for the co-existence and mutual influence of translational activities and the development of the language system of Chinese in the context of modern open society.

关 键 词:本土化 

分 类 号:H059[语言文字—语言学]
