
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:宋小娟[1] SONG Xiaojuan (Foreign Language Department, Jieyang Vocational & Technical College, Jieyang Guangdong, 522017, China)


出  处:《清远职业技术大学学报》2017年第1期86-87,共2页Journal of Qingyuan Polytechnic

基  金:揭阳职业技术大学定向基金项目(编号:JYCDX1002).

摘  要:在中日经贸往来持续发展、全国高校热火朝天兴办日语系之际,日语论文,整个粤东地区却异常平静,没有一所高职院校开设日语系。据调查粤东商务日语系的市场极具潜力。以揭阳职业技术大学为中心说明开设商务日语系是十分必要和可行的。In the sustainable development of Sino-Japanese trade, national universities are in full swing to set up Japanese major, but, in East Guangdong, there is not even one higher vocational colleges setting up Japanese major. According to the sur- vey of East Guangdong, Business Japanese major market is full of potentials. And taking Jieyang Vocational and Technical Col- lege as an example, this paper shows the feasibility and urgency for higher vocational colleges to set up Business Japanese major in East Guangdong.

关 键 词:粤东地区 高职院校 商务日语系 必要性 

分 类 号:G642[文化科学—高等教育学;文化科学—教育学]
