
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:蔡忠良[1] CAI Zhong-liang (School of Foreign Languages, Xuchang University, Xuchang, 461000, China)


出  处:《无锡商业职业技术大学学报》2017年第3期74-77,共4页Journal of Vocational Institute of Commercial Technology

摘  要:当前地方院校商务日语课程体系建设普遍存在专业学科定位不准确、重理论轻实践的倾向。文章对地方本科院校商务日语系的师资力量、课程设置近况、教学措施等方面进行了详细略论.同时指出高校商务日语课程体系的建构应该以市场需求为导向,以运用能力培养为主线,日语论文,强化实践训练,日语论文题目,注重日语与商务知识的有机融合,凸显培养特色。In the curriculum system construction for the major of Business Japanese in local universities exist the following problems: the position of the specialty Business Japanese in Japanese study is not clearly identi-fied; and Japanese knowledge is paid more attention to the than practical language skills. This article analyzes the major of Business Japanese in details from three aspects: the faculty, the course offering; and the teaching methods. It points out that the curriculum system construction for Business Japanese should be done according to the market demand, that Japanese language skill and business knowledge should be integrated, and dents ability to use Japanese should be the priority in language teaching, thus, students practical skills being enhanced and the characteristics of Business Japanese being highlighted.

关 键 词:地方高校 商务日语 课程体系 建设探讨 

分 类 号:H369[语言文字—日语]
