
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-18

作  者:曹大峰[1] 


出  处:日语学习与探讨》2017年第1期 10-18,共9页

摘  要:2017年我国日语探讨成果颇丰。在天津召开的世界日语教育探讨大会展示了我国日语教育事业的发展成果;调查显示日语探讨的成果数量和质量均有提高,日语教育类论文数量首次超过日语语言类论文;随着学科的均衡发展、教师成长的需求和学术环境的改善,探讨类论文的数量和水平有望继续提高。The study of Japanese and Japanese language education in China achieved new standing in the year 2017.The International Conference on Japanese Language Education(ICJLE)which was held in Tianjin provided a forum for many new developments and achievements in the field of Japanese language education in China.Relevant survey data demonstrates that both the quantity and quality of the academic work on the study of Japanese and Japanese language education have been improved.The quantity of papers regarding Japanese language education exceeded that of Japanese linguistics for the first time.With the balanced development of the subject,the demand of teachers’growth and the improvement of the academic environment,the quantity and quality of research essays are expected to develop even further in the coming years.

关 键 词:

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
