
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-18

作  者:崔德军[1] CUI De-jun ( College of Foreign Languages', Yibin University, Yibin 644000, China)


出  处:《宜宾大学学报》2017年第10期83-88,共6页

摘  要:许渊冲的“意美、音美、形美”翻译思想日本俳句翻译具有—定的指导意义.“形美”是俳句翻译的首要前提条件,音韵是体现俳句“音美”的必要因素,而揣摩诗歌的意境、达到传神效果是使俳句升华到“意美”的关键所在.Xu Yuanchong' s translation thought of "beauty in meaning, beauty in sound and beauty in form" has es- tablished the directive significance for the translation of Japanese Haiku. "Beauty in form" should be the precondition of the translation of Haiku. Phonology becomes one essential factor to reflect " beauty ment of artistic conceptions of poems to realize lifelikeness is proved to be the key to meaning". in sound" of Haiku. Entertain- Haiku to sublimate "beauty in

关 键 词:俳句 翻译美学 形美 音美 意美 

分 类 号:H365.9[语言文字—日语]
