
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-18

作  者:谢彩虹[1] XIE Cai-hong(College of Foreign Languages,Hunan University of Arts and Science,Changde,Hunan 415000,China)


出  处:《河北北方大学学报:社会科学版》2017年第2期36-38,51共4页Journal of Hebei North University

基  金:湖南省教育厅科研课题(11C0895)

摘  要:前置き"(引语)是日语委婉表达的主要形式之一,是构成日语语言表达的一个重要因素。以表示拜托的引语委婉表达为对象,较为系统、详细地略论了它们的使用特征,展示了日语语言的应用特点,得出了以下结论:引语的使用具有多重性;引语的使用具有一定的技巧。说话人在发话前首先要对双方所处的状况进行认知。然后,说话人发话时会根据发话时间、场合采用不同的发话方式。说话人根据自己的行为方式选择与之相应的说明性引语;说话人必须根据语境、与听话人的亲疏联系等情况选择引语。前置き(opening speech) is the main form of Japanese euphemistic expressions and an important component of the Japanese language.This article studies systematically the use characteristics of 前置きwhich means request in details,which can reveal the Japanese use features.The study shows that there are a variety of ways to use 前置きand there are certain techniques to use 前置き.The speaker should know the hearer and his status before speaking.Then,the speaker will choose appropriate 前置きaccording to his own behavior as well as to the time and situation of the speech.The speaker should select 前置きin line with the context and his relations with the hearer.

关 键 词:拜托 “前置き” 委婉表达 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
