作 者:黄爱华[1] HUANG Ai-hua (Department of Applied Foreign Language, Fuzhou Polytechnic, Fuzhou 350108, China) 机构地区:[1]福州职业技术大学运用外语系,福建福州350108 出 处:《佛山科学技术大学学报:社会科学版》2017年第6期53-57,共5页Journal of Foshan University(Social Science) 摘 要:从共时的角度考察日语中由「あいだに」和「うちに」构成的时间复句的用法.考察结果显示,「あいだに」和「うちに」均表示一定的时间范围,多数情况下可以互换,但二者存在情感色彩上的异同.「あいだに」仅用于客观陈述主句谓语的时间范围;而「うちに」在表达时间联系的同时还可以表示前后项事件之间的因果联系或伴有说话者主观的紧迫感或意外感的语气.「うちに」这些用法来自「うち」所具有的[对立性]这一语义特征.Based on the analysis on the time adverbial clauses introduced by "Aidani" and "Uchini" from synchronic grammar, this essay draws a conclusion that these two both indicate a time range and in most cases they are interchangeable. But there are some differences in emotion. "Aidani" can only objectively indicate the time range of the principal clause while "Uchini" can not only indicate the time range but ex- press the causality between the two clauses and subjectively show urgency and unexpectedness. The rea- son why "Uchini" has this usage is that it has the semantic feature of OPPosition. 关 键 词:语义特征 对立性 分 类 号:H364[语言文字—日语] ,日语毕业论文,日语论文 |