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资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-18

作  者:蔡妍[1] CAI Yan(School of Foreign Languages,Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou Fujian 350001,China)


出  处:《乐山师范大学学报》2017年第6期65-68,共4页Journal of Leshan Teachers College

摘  要:いい」是日语口语表达中出现频率非常高的一个词,多表示"好""佳""合适"等积极意义。但是,在一些特定的语境中,它同样可以用来表示拒绝或者反语等消极意义。「いい」所表达的拒绝意义其实是其本意的延伸,并符合Leech提出的礼貌准则中的"一致原则"。而「いい」的反语用法则可以看作是Sperber&Wilson提出的"回声引述",即引用道德标准、行为规范或者人们的正常期待来讽刺、批评一些不当的行为。同时,这一用法亦符合礼貌准则中的"得体原则"。"いい",which is frequently used in oral Japanese,means "good"or "ok".In addition to these positive meanings,it also has such negative uses as refusal or sarcasm in certain contexts.Its refusal meaning is actually its extended meaning and conforms to the Agreement Maxim in Leech’s Politeness Principle.Its sarcastic use can be seen as Sperber and Wilson’s "Echo Quote",which means quoting moral standards,behavioral norms or people’s normal expectation to satirize and criticize some behavior.The sarcastic use also conforms to the Tactic Maxim in Politeness Principle.

关 键 词:「いい」 拒绝 反语 礼貌准则 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
