
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-18

作  者:吕汝泉[1] Lv Ruquan(Liaoning University of International Business and Economics,Dalian Liaoning,116052)


出  处:《辽宁医大学学报:社会科学版》2017年第3期132-134,共3页Journal of Liaoning Medical College:Social Science Edition

基  金:辽宁对外经贸大学2017年度校级科研项目“旅顺日俄战争遗址公示语日译的规范性探讨”(编号:2017XJLXYB008)的探讨成果

摘  要:星海广场是旅游名城大连的招牌景点之一,乃所有来连游客的必游之地,尤其是建市百年纪念城雕落成之后,星海广场周围的中外游客更是络绎不绝。但是《大连百年纪念城雕简介》的日语翻译却出现了多处错误,稍显遗憾。通过实地考察,列举出了《大连百年纪念城雕简介》的日语翻译中存在的如书写错误、表达错误、语法错误、译名不统一等诸多问题,并加以更正。文末建议有关部门完善管理机制,制定公示语翻译的统一规范,加强公众的监督力度,改变公示语翻译的混乱近况,从而提升大连的国际形象。Xinghai Square,which is a must for tourists,is one of most famous tourist attractions,and what's more Dalian Century Sculpture attracts a continuous stream of tourists both from home and abroad.It is a pity that there are some problems in C-J translation such as grammar mistakes,spelling mistakes,expression mistakes and so on in Brief Introduction to Dalian Century Sculpture,and the paper lists the mistakes.At last the paper makes suggestions to the government authorities on how to improve public signs in Japanese to increase international profile of Dalian City.

关 键 词:旅游景点 公示语日译 翻译策略 规范性 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
