作 者:谭永军[1] 林敏华 Tan Yongjun, Lin Minhua (1. Wuzhou University, Wuzhou 543002, China; 2. Propaganda Department of Wuzhou Communist Party Committee, Wuzhou 543002, China) 机构地区:[1]梧州大学.广西梧州543002 [2]梧州市党委宣传部,广西梧州543002 出 处:《梧州大学学报》2017年第6期40-44,共5页Journal of Guangxi University Wuzhou Branch 基 金:信息社会背景下的高校新闻意识探讨(2017C002) 摘 要:互联网背景下的舆论传播比之以往的传播特点有了根本性的改变,具有开放性、即时性、交互性、虚拟性、娱乐性、全球化等特点,因而舆论引导和舆论监督面临前所未有的难度,可以通过建立网络发言人制度、构建突发事件舆情应对机制、搭建主流网站平台、搭建网络问政平台等方式措施对网络舆论进行有效引导和监督,从而建立健康、有序的网络传播环境。The basic requirements for medical education make informational teaching method and self-teaching method adopted &~ indispensable methods in the program of educational innovation. This paper makes a research into lhe shortness in the education in medical colleges and universities and the present situation of their informational teaching and learning, puts forward three major requirements for the construction of informational self-teaching environment, makes arrangements for approaches to the construction of informational self-teaching environment and points out the connotation of" perfecting self-teaching environment. 关 键 词:互联网 分 类 号:H365[语言文字—日语] ,日语毕业论文,日语毕业论文 |