
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-18

作  者:张群[1] ZHANG Qun (School of Foreign Studies, Weinan Normal University, Weinan 714000, China)


出  处:《渭南师范大学学报:综合版》2017年第8期52-54,共3页Journal of Weinan Teachers College

摘  要:文章对日语及汉语的道歉行为进行了对比探讨。先对日语和汉语母语两者进行了问卷调查,再从形式的观点把道歉表达分为"定型表达"与"非定型表达",最后以定型表达的使用为中心对B&L提出的D因素及P要素进行了略论与考察。This study compares Japanese and Chinese concerning the act of apology. A questionnaire survey was conducted tocollect expressions in apology settings from native speakers of the two languages, and the constituents of utterances were categorized into the formulaic and the non- formulaic types. In this paper, focusing on the former, I analyze and discuss the data in terms of Brown & Levinson' s three factors, in which the Distance and the Power factors reflect human relationships between the speaker and the recipient, and the Ranking factor reflects how serious the setting in question is.

关 键 词:

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
