作 者:马晓菲[1] Ma Xiaofei( Tianjin Normal University,300074,Tianjin,China) 机构地区:[1]天津师范学院,天津300074 出 处:《科教文汇》2017年第20期159-159,165共2页 摘 要:中日语言中都存在温感形容词这样一个体系,且这些词或多或少都有语义扩张现象。本文以"あつい"和"热"为中心,对这种语义扩张进行了略论,并通过比喻手法较系统地整理了"あつい"和"热"各个义项之间的扩张过程,旨在为中日比较语言学的探讨提供若干思路与实例。There is a system of warm feeling adjectives in both Japanese and Chinese.And there is more or less a semantic expansion phenomenon in those words.The paper analyzes the semantic expansion taking "atsui" And "hot" as an example.And systematically arranges "atsui" and "hot" for each meaning between the expansion process.I hope this analysis can provide some ideas for Japanese-Chinese comparison. 关 键 词: 分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语] ,日语论文题目,日语论文 |