
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-18

作  者:陈风[1] Chen Feng (Male) Year of Birth: 1957 Professor at Akita International University Japanese Linguistics Study


出  处:《日语学习与探讨》2017年第1期1-9,共9页

摘  要:作为一种命令形式,以往的探讨普遍认为"てください"主要表达命令」或「依頼」,两者同属"命令"类用法。本文指出从说话人的表达意图来看,"てください"实际上存在"命令"和"非命令"两类不同的用法,并通过对"てください"所涉及的"行为内在意义"进行略论,论证"命令"和"非命令"两者的异同以及各自具体表达功能的不同。鉴于"命令"用法和"非命令"用法的异同还联系到"てください"这种命令形式的使用是否受双方联系的制约,因此区分两类不同用法对指导日语学习和使用也具有一定的现实意义。This study aims to illustrate the expression functions of tekudasaL As an imperative form, the expression functions of tekudasai are generally considered as "commands" or "requests", which both belong to the same use. From the expressing intentions of speakers, we can divide the use of tekudasai into two different types. By analyzing the inner meaning of behavior, this study shows the differences between the expression functions of "commands" and "non-commands". Since the different uses of "commands" and "non-commands" are restricted by the relations between the speaker and listener, distinguishing the two different uses is also important for Japanese language study and use.

关 键 词:

分 类 号:H13[语言文字—汉语]
