作 者:关铠含[1] GUAN Kai-han (Foreign language college ;Xuchang University, Xuchang 461000, China) 机构地区:[1]许昌大学外国语大学,河南许昌461000 出 处:《三门峡职业技术大学学报》2017年第4期65-68,共4页 摘 要:日语中的“ついに”、“とうとう”、“やつと”、“ようやく”这四个副词有很多相似的用法,一般的日语学习者也不易区分.这四个词和汉语的“终于”的含义十分类似,都可以用来表示某件事情经过一段时间或经过努力后得到某种结果.但是也有不少情况是不能和“终于”画等号的.因此有必要探讨能否译为“终于”的情况.通过词典例句和翻译著作的句子来略论,最后得出“ついに”和“とうとう”基本上都能够译为“终于”,“やつと”和“ようやく”以过去时“シタ”的形式出现时可以译为“终于”,其他时或体的形态则不能.The Japanese" "ついに""とうとう""やつと""ようやく"these four adverbs have many similar usage, general Japanese learners are difficult to distinguish. These four words and Chinese "终于" the meaning is very similar, can be used to say something after a period of time or after efforts to get a certain result after. But there were also many situation is not equal to "终于". Therefore, it is necessary to study can be translated as "终于", Through the dictionary example and translation of sentence to analysis, finally draw the "ついに"and"とうとう"" basically can be translated as "终于","ようやく" to the "シタ" forms can be translated as" 终于", other tense and aspect will not be. 关 键 词: 分 类 号:G642[文化科学—高等教育学;文化科学—教育学] ,日语论文题目,日语论文 |