
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-18

作  者:张尚弘[1] ZHANG Shang-hong (Foreign Language College of Shanxi University)


出  处:《教育理论与实践.学科版》2017年第11期60-61,共2页

摘  要:五世纪,中国儒家经典《千字文》东传,日本有了文字。后来,日本虽以汉字为基础创造了平假名、片假名,然而直到今天还使用汉字、汉语词汇。日本根据自己的国情和民族文化对汉语语义做了些许改动,日语论文题目,加之日本岛国的封闭性,尽管中国本土的汉语语义发生了变化,日语毕业论文,日本依然沿袭了汉典的用法。因而,日语中的汉语词汇的内涵与用法与中文有了不同。这类同形异义词给日语学习者带来了诸多不便。在目语学习中,要勤查日语词典,并要结合语境判断词义,还要进行中日同形异义词的对比记忆。In the fifth century, the Book of 1000 Characters of Chinese Confucian classics spread eastward, so Japan obtained the characters. Later, Japan created hiragana and katakana based on Chinese characters but until now the Japanese still use Chinese characters ,and vocabulary. Japan made many Chinese semantic changes according to their own national conditions and culture and Japan still follow the use of Chinese classics with the isolation of the Japanese island and despite Chinese semantic changes in native China. Therefore, the connotation and usage of Chi- nese vocabulary in Japanese are different from Chinese. These homographs brought much inconvenience to learners of Japanese. In learning Japanese, it is necessary not only to frequently look up Japanese dictionary, determine the mean- ing of words according to the context, but also to make the comparative memory of Chinese-Japanese homographs.

关 键 词:日文同形异义词 汉字 汉语词汇 

分 类 号:H313.2[语言文字—英语]
