
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19



Different people from different cultures may have different understandings of the same sentence because they are ignorant of target cultures. It is necessary for us to study the cultural differences in some fields between China and Western countries. Idioms, which reflect customs, are the essence of culture in every country. Idiomatic phrases, the essence of languages, are loaded with rich cultural information and serve as a mirror of cultural differences between Chinese and English. Therefore, in this paper, the author will discuss the idioms reflecting the differences of Chinese and English in six levels: living environment, custom, religion, allusion, the acknowledge of objective thing. When expressing linguistic meanings and cultural features, there are mainly three types of idioms: correspondent, semi-correspondent and non-correspondent. For the correspondent idioms, we can translate them word for word into the target language .But for the semi-correspondent and non-correspondent idioms, it’s better to make sure first of their cultural connotations and practical meanings, and then translate them appropriately according to the context. Therefore, translation of idiomatic phrases is more cultural communication than simple translation of these two languages. The mastery of the technique for translating idiomatic phrases is a must to the cultivation of linguistic comprehension and intercultural competence.

Key words: idioms; cultural differences; translation    



对于习语,“牛津的解释是把idiom分为两义:(1)language of a people or country ;specific character of this (一个民族或国家的语言,这种语言的特殊之点);(2)(gram)succession of words whose meaning is not obvious through knowledge of the individual meanings of the constituent words but  must be leant as a whole([语法]连串之词表示整体意义而不表各词单个的意义)。”(P1)因此,习语包括成语、谚语、俗语、惯用语、俚语和典故。


由于英国地处岛国,英国人历来善于航海,航海业曾一直占据重要位置,因而英语中产生了大量的来自航海用语的习语,这些习语原来是水手用的术语,后来陆地上的人也渐渐使用起来。如:all at sea(全在海上,比喻不知所措),hang in the wind(在风中摇摆不定,比喻做事犹豫不决),three sheets in the wind(三条帆脚都摇晃,比喻酩酊大醉),all hands to the pumps(所有人都去抽水,比喻事情危急,要全力以赴),in the same boat(本是水手说的“与....同舟”,后来是人们用来表达“与....境遇相同”)等等。我国地域辽阔,虽然也临海,且海岸线也很长,但是航海业一直处于落后状态,因此与航海有关的习语虽然有一些,但数量不多,如“同舟共济”、“风雨同舟”、“灭顶之灾”等。而汉民族主要生活繁衍在亚洲大陆,是个内陆国家,土地对人们来说是至关重要的,人们的生活离不开陆地,所以汉语中有许多与土地、农业有关的习语,如:“土洋结合”、“土嘣瓦解”、“斩草除根”、“土生土长”、“卷土重来”等。
