
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

  10. A n elegan t handw rit ing, like the elegan thand that w ro te it. I pu sh it to one side and hadano ther drink. I began to feel a lit t le less savage. Ipu shed th ings around the desk. M y hands feltth ick and ho t and aw kw ard. I ran a f inger acro ssthe co rner of the desk and looked at the st reakm ade by w ip ing off the du st. I looked at the du ston m y f inger and w iped that off. I looked at m yw atch. I looked at the w all. I looked at no th ing.

  I pu t the liquo r bo t t le aw ay and w en t over thew ashbow l to rin se the glass ou t. W hen I had donethat Iw ashed m y hands and bathed m y face in co ldw ater and looked at it. (第223 页)

  优美的字迹, 就像写字的那只优美的手。我把它搁在一旁, 又喝了一杯酒。我感到平静一点了, 摆弄着写字台上的东西。我的双手感到有点发麻、发热、发僵。我用一个手指在写字台的一角划了一道, 望着划去灰尘的那一道斜线。我看了看手指, 抹去了手指尖上的灰尘。我看了看表, 望着墙, 望着茫然的空间。

  我将酒瓶放到了另一个地方, 在洗碗槽里洗了一下酒杯。后来, 我又洗了洗双手, 把脸浸在冷水里,我注视着那盆里的水 (第238 页)


