
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19



关键词  合作准则, 礼貌准则, 国际商务谈判, 运用


As the pace of globalization and China's reform and opening up is hastened, international business negotiation(IBN) gradually plays a vital role in cooperating and exchanging ideas between countries. Due to the differences among countries of such aspects as politics, culture and ideology, the criteria in business negotiation are bound to vary from one another. Thus, negotiators as facilitators and messengers, need to get hold of the interactivity, cultural adaptation, dispute resolution and precise details, which could be involved in a negotiation. Only by keeping principles in mind and by applicating all kinds of strategies freely, could a negotiator achieve the desired result. Grice’s Cooperative Principle (CP) and Leech’s Politeness Principle (PP) are two important fruits made in pragmatic field. They formulate and guide a speaker’s utterance in interpersonal communication. Cooperative Principle is a basic principle that people ought to abide by when communicating with others; and Politeness Principle, as supplement to Cooperative Principle, promotes a higher level of conversation and establishes a much friendlier atmosphere. During the international business negotiation, negotiators should not only abide by the Cooperative Principle but also take full advantage of the Politeness Principle to maintain a reciprocal relationship between each other, which could finally help avoid misunderstanding and increase the rate of success. Cooperative Principle and Politeness Principle will be analyzed mainly in this paper, comprising their implications, maxims, applications to international business negotiation and the influences they’ve made on international business negotiation. The paper will build itself on the methodology based on examples, document sourcing and information searched from the internet.

Keywords  Cooperative Principle, Politeness Principle, international business negotiation,  application
