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资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


The study on Chinese English and China English is still a long run matter in both Chinese and overseas linguistic field. Though English now is widely used in the world, some differences, from different users from different countries with their own knowledge, cultural concepts as well as cognitive approaches, have led to some English varieties such as India English, American English and Pakistan English. There are China English and Chinese English in China. Up to now, as a controversial problem, foreign and domestic scholars haven’t paid much attention to this issue. And some of the scholars hold that China English is one of English varieties, and it should be accepted in the English world; on the other hand, they argue that Chinese English is a hybrid and misuse of English, and thus it should be abandoned.
. This thesis is conducted to analyze the linguistic features of China English and Chinese English at the aspects of vocabulary, syntax, and discourse based on the research findings of some experts. It aims to clarify the existence of China English and Chinese English that are both producing positive effects .That is to say, by doing research on them, China English and Chinese English can be treated objectively. The key point is to understand the positive effects of existence of both China English and Chinese English, to a greater or lesser a degree; they can avoid the unnecessary misunderstanding. Above all, they are good for people to express Chinese unique things and cultures.

Key words: China English; Chinese English; language features

摘  要

对于“中国英语”和“中国英语”问题的探讨是中外语言学界一直研讨的一个渊源久远的话题。英语在世界上被广泛使用,在英语的使用过程中,由于不同国家使用者所具有的知识水平,英语毕业论文,文化观念,认知方式的不同而产生了英语变体。如美国英语,印度英语还有巴基斯坦英语。在中国则产生了“中国英语”和 “中国式英语”。当前,中外语言学界对二者的探讨甚少,争议颇多。一些学者认为中国英语是英语的一种变体,英语论文范文,应该获得认可。中国式英语被看成是一种对英语的误用而被要求摒弃。本文以前人探讨的成果为依据,从二者的词汇、句法、语篇三个方面来略论二者的语言特征。旨在阐明中国式英语的存在和中国英语的存在一样是具有积极的意义的。通过对“中国英语”和“中国式英语”的语言特征进行略论,理解二者存在的积极意义, 有助于避免不必要的误会,最重要的是,可用于传播中国特有的文化事物。

