
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


There is mainly Caucasians of European descent, including other ethnic minorities such as Asian, African and Latin American countries in the United States. In America, people usually speak English, but due to the special structure of American society, English is divided into two big parts. One part is standard American English which mainly the white speak, another part is Black English which is usually used by the black. However, the deeper studies about Black English in recent decades have shown that Black English is not only the language variety in result of nationality differences, but also closely related to economic status, education level and other social factors. Thus it can be seen that Black English is not simply national dialect and has gradually become an important social language. Black English has formed its own independence, not the parasitic product attached to standard American English or evolution of standard American English. As a student of English major, we are necessary to know the differences between Black English and standard American English, then we can understand American society better.

Key Words: Black English; Standard American English; Origen and development; Phonics; Grammar; Vocabulary


美国是个以欧裔白种人为主,包括亚非拉等少数民族的移民国。在美国英语论文题目,人们大多说英语。由于美国社会的特殊构成,英语又分为两大模块,一块是以白人为主流的美国标准英语(standard American English),另一块则是少数民族中占主体的黑人所惯用的黑人英语( Black English)。然而,近几十年来对黑人英语的进一步探讨表明,它不是单纯由民族异同而形成的语言变体,它的使用是与经济地位、教育水准等社会因素密切相关的。由此可见,近年来美国的黑人英语已逐步成为了一种重要的社会语言,而不是单纯的民族方言。美国的黑人英语已经形成了它自己的独立性,而不是依附在美国标准英语上的寄生品,也不是从美国标准英语中演变而来的。黑人英语与美国标准英语在起源与发展、发音、语法、词汇等多方面都有很大的异同。作为英语系的学生,英语论文,我们有必要从多方面了解黑人英语和美国标准英语,才能更深层的了解美国社会。

