English is the leading international language. In different countries around the world, English is acquired as the mother tongue, in others it’s used as a second language. Colloquial English is a language form that is spoken by people in everyday communications, and is used in various aspects of everyday life.
This thesis uses contemporary spoken English as the subject of study, focusing on the analysis of its characteristics and functions. This thesis starts with the definitions of spoken English, and includes an introduction to the occasions where to use colloquial English. Then it describes the characteristics of colloquial English from aspects of syntax, wording, and phonetic.
The characteristics of colloquial English will be classified, and examples will be offered for the convenience of illustration. The examples are from daily life and selected from modern English novels and movies. This thesis aims to deepen readers’ understanding of the characteristics of colloquial English and to give them some suggestions about how to learn spoken English.
Keywords: colloquial English; syntax; acquisition
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